PCI Standards Consulting Services
Solixtar is a company dedicated to digital security. Our goal is to help our clients to achieve their PCI assesment and manage the risks against threats arising from hacking.
With our extensive PCI expertise, we help our clients successfully navigate the complexities, ensuring they meet their PCI-DSS compliance goals the first time around.
Customer proximity: in Solixtar we work side by side with our clients, since we care about their needs and we endeavor to find the right solution for each of them.
Expert in WordPress Security
Founded in 2007 by Security Experts that had spent over 15 years working in IT security, we found out that small businesses were becoming increasingly targeted by hackers who could make large money from these sites and yet these companies often had no in-house security expertise to deal with them.
The idea was simple; offer a reliable consulting and expertise in security to protect websites being hacked again.
Over the years later, we help thousands of customers across four continents by providing a super solid and secure service for removing all Malware from a website.